The Fragility of Connection: Honoring the Sacred in Each Other Part 1.
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
In the fast pace of our daily lives, we often overlook the people around us, treating them like the air we breathe—essential, yet invisible. We assume they’ll always be there, ready to support us, to listen, to care. But just as the air we take in with every breath is vital to our existence, so too are the people in our lives. The problem arises when we become so accustomed to their presence that we forget to acknowledge their value, failing to see the profound impact they have on our journey.
Imagine a world where the sun decided not to rise, where rivers ceased to flow, or where the trees withheld their shade. How quickly would we realize the gravity of their absence? Similarly, when we take people for granted, we are blind to the void we create, not just in their lives, but in our own. It's as if we are walking through a garden and neglecting to water the flowers that bring color and life to our path, expecting them to bloom without nourishment.
Taking someone for granted is like living in a house and never acknowledging the foundation that holds it up. We walk through the rooms, admiring the décor, enjoying the shelter, yet never considering the solid structure beneath it all—the people who provide support, love, and stability in our lives. What would happen if that foundation started to crack from neglect? The entire structure would be at risk of collapsing, just as our relationships are at risk when we fail to honor those who sustain us.
When we overlook someone’s value, we do more than just ignore them; we devalue the essence of what makes our connections meaningful. How would we feel if the Creator overlooked us the way we sometimes do others? Imagine if nature neglected its duties as we often neglect to appreciate those around us. If the rain stopped nurturing the earth, the world would soon become barren, devoid of the life that once thrived. In the same way, when we neglect the people who are genuine and true in our lives, we leave our souls barren, missing out on the richness that these connections bring.
Every person in our life plays a role in the story of who we are. Some are like the steady hand of a clock, always ticking in the background, reliable and consistent. Others are like the stars that guide us through the darkest nights, illuminating our path with their light. When we take these people for granted, we miss the chance to appreciate their unique contributions, the ways they make our lives fuller and more meaningful.
It's not fair to assume that someone will always be there, just as it’s not fair to the earth to expect it to continue providing abundantly without care. The relationships we have are fragile, like delicate threads that weave together the fabric of our existence. When we fail to nurture these threads, they begin to fray, and the once strong bonds can unravel, leaving us with only the remnants of what could have been.
Consider how it feels to be taken for granted yourself—to have your efforts go unnoticed, your kindness unacknowledged. It stings, doesn’t it? It feels like the warmth you give is met with coldness, like the light you share is absorbed without a second thought. This is the same pain others feel when we overlook them, when we assume their presence without showing appreciation. It’s a cycle that can erode even the strongest relationships, turning what was once a solid bond into something fragile and brittle.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Just as we can choose to care for the earth, ensuring that it continues to provide for us, we can choose to care for the people in our lives. We can take the time to express gratitude, to acknowledge their efforts, and to show them that they are valued. This is not just about saying thank you, but about truly seeing them—recognizing their importance in our lives and treating them with the respect and love they deserve.
By valuing the people in our lives, we honor the Creator, who placed them on our path for a reason. Every interaction is a sacred opportunity to show kindness, to build up rather than tear down, to water the garden of our relationships so that they may continue to flourish. When we take the time to appreciate the people around us, we strengthen the foundation of our lives, ensuring that it remains solid and capable of supporting us through all of life’s challenges.
Let us not wait until it’s too late to acknowledge those who matter most to us. Just as we wouldn’t wait for the earth to dry up before we start caring for it, we shouldn’t wait for our relationships to wither before we start valuing them. The time to act is now, to show appreciation, to nurture the connections that sustain us.
How would you feel if the Creator ignored your prayers, if the sun decided to stop shining, if the rivers ceased to flow? Just as we rely on these elements of nature, we rely on the people around us to bring warmth, light, and sustenance to our lives. Let us not take them for granted, but instead, cherish them as the gifts they are.
In closing, remember that every person is a vital part of your life’s ecosystem. They contribute to the balance, the beauty, and the growth of your journey. By honoring them, you honor yourself and the Creator who brought them into your life.
In life’s garden, bloom,
Cherish each flower you find,
For their light is true.