Be Careful of the Voices
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
Too many voices, too much noise, and too little peace. This is the burden we carry in a world filled with distractions, opinions, and influences pulling us in every direction except the one that leads to true clarity. I say this with a heavy heart because I know I, too, have fallen victim to this struggle. The problem isn’t just that there are so many voices it's that we choose to listen to them instead of the singular, life-giving voice of our Creator. The voice that nourishes, uplifts, and guides us with wisdom and love often gets drowned out by our desires, ego, and need for validation.
How often do we struggle with what the Creator has spoken to us? How often do we wrestle with His truth or the words of someone He’s placed in our life to guide us back to the straight path? Instead of accepting the wholesome, nourishing guidance offered to us, we seek out voices that align with our own flawed desires and perspectives. Yes, I mean you, and I mean myself too. We find ourselves drawn to people who will "amen" our madness, who will justify our hurt, our anger, our ego, and our desires.
But let’s pause here and ask ourselves an honest question: How many times have we been in the midst of a storm, seeking help, and someone dared to rebuke us with truth? Someone told us, “You’re edging God out with your ego,” or, “This path you’re on isn’t pleasing to the Creator.” How did we respond? Did we humble ourselves? Did we open a dialogue with the Creator without the interference of our pride and stubbornness? Or did we recoil, retreating to the comfort of someone who would feed our negativity, whispering sweet nothings that justified our pain and kept us stuck?
It’s time to take a hard look in the mirror and access ourselves with truth. Say it aloud: “I seek refuge in the Creator from the evil whisperings of my ego, my desires, my anger, and my ignorance. I seek refuge from all that whispers into my heart and leads me astray.” Say it again if you need to, and mean it. There’s power in those words power to realign your spirit and shield your heart from the voices that lead to destruction.
Be careful of the council you keep. Be wise about who you allow to pour into your life, especially when you’re vulnerable. If someone cannot guide you back to the light of the Creator, if they cannot encourage you to seek refuge in prayer, meditation, or a connection to a higher frequency, then they are not the voice you need to hear. I warn us all, myself included: do not lean on voices outside the realm of the Creator when it comes to your heart, your life, or your decisions.
If you’re the friend on the other side of this equation, I urge you to tread carefully. If someone comes to you in their pain or confusion, don’t sit and gossip or feed their madness. Don’t nurse their dysfunction with phrases like, “If I were you, I’d…” or, “You should do this and that.” If you can’t guide them to the light of the Creator, then be honest and step aside. Encourage them to meditate, pray, or seek someone more grounded in faith. Don’t let yourself become an accessory to their downfall, because we, too, will be held accountable for how we’ve influenced others.
I speak from experience, not from a place of perfection. There were times in my life when I gave petty, hateful advice. I’ve been that person who nurtured someone’s negativity instead of guiding them toward healing. For those moments, I publicly repent and ask the Creator for forgiveness. I don’t ride in that lane anymore. My grandmother once told me, “Kateb, don’t let nothing or nobody take you from heaven. Don’t get on the Creator’s bad side.” Her words didn’t mean much to me back then, but now they echo in my soul with unshakable truth.
She told me, “One day, you will have to answer for everything you said and did. Be careful, grandson. Get your house in order so you can be right with the Creator.” At the time, I shrugged her off. But now, as I stand at this crossroads in my spiritual journey, those words are like a compass pointing me toward what truly matters.
One day, we will all stand before the scales of judgment. And let me tell you, those scales don’t measure wealth, accomplishments, or social status. They don’t weigh our credit scores, wardrobes, beauty, or academic achievements. They don’t account for how "real" we kept it or how impressive our lives appeared to others. The scales weigh our motivations and the purity of our hearts.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” This teaching rings loud and clear. Whatever consumes our minds, whatever dominates our time and energy, reveals where our hearts are truly focused. And make no mistake the Creator knows every thought, every pursuit, and every intention. “There is not a leaf that falls but yet He knows it.”
“A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart” (Proverbs 21:2).
So, dear reader, I’m not here to preach or to throw stones. I’m here to tell you, and myself, that we have work to do on our hearts. Even as I write this, I’m preparing for spiritual heart surgery, knowing that I have layers to peel back, flaws to confront, and wounds to heal.
Beware of the voices. Beware of the council you seek and the words you speak. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions. I’m not saying you need to become a saint overnight or adopt the life of a priest or nun. But I am saying we must strive to resonate at a higher spiritual frequency. We must align ourselves with the voice of the Creator, the one that speaks truth, wisdom, and life.
So I ask you again: whose voice are you listening to? And whose voice are you becoming? Let us all take this moment to reflect, repent, and recalibrate. For in the end, our hearts will testify, and the scales will reveal the truth. Let us strive to ensure that the treasure of our hearts aligns with the Creator’s light, so that when the scales tip, they tip in our favor.

Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
Dearest Kateb, I’ve just finished reading Be Careful of the Voices, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude. I’ve always known that you possess a unique gift, but with every reflection you share, I am more and more in awe of how you speak truth into the world. This particular piece felt like a personal conversation with me one I desperately needed. As I sat down with my husband, and my mum, to discuss your reflection over dinner, we all found ourselves nodding in agreement. You were so right, Kateb. We are often pulled in so many directions by the noise around us, and all too easily, we forget the still, small voice of the Creator. My mum bless her…
Very True.