Melody of the Morning
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
Have you ever noticed how a good song can set the tone for your entire day? It’s like music carries a kind of magic an invisible force that shifts your mood, lifts your spirit, and gently nudges you toward a better version of yourself. You don’t even need to know the words. Sometimes, it’s the melody that sticks, weaving its way into your heart and reminding you that there’s beauty to be found even when life feels heavy.
For me, these melodies feel like whispers from heaven, like rain softening the hard edges of my soul. They drench the dry places in me, places I didn’t even realize were thirsting for renewal. When I think about it, it’s not just about hearing a song it’s about feeling it. It’s letting it settle in, letting it do the work of making the valleys of your life a little greener, a little softer, a little more alive.
My grandmother used to hum all the time, and let me tell you, it was so annoying. Her humming wasn’t anything you’d call harmonizing, and it certainly wasn’t pleasing to the ear. If anything, she sounded like an old car in desperate need of a timing belt change. But you couldn’t tell her that it was her thing.
Funny how life has a way of making you eat your words. When she passed, and I started going through what I call my double dosage of tribulations, her hums came back to me. Seasons in my life turned extreme storms without warning, valleys without end and suddenly, I got it. I understood why she hummed. It wasn’t for anyone else’s ears; it was for her own soul.
Now, I find myself humming inwardly all the time. It’s become my way of composing a melody, my way of holding on to peace when life feels overwhelming. So, if you ever find me sitting quietly, don’t write me off. I’m not lost or detached I’m just humming.
And it’s not just the happy songs or the ones that make you want to dance. Sometimes it’s the quiet, soulful tunes the ones that wrap you in a kind of peace you didn’t know you needed. Those are the ones that can calm a storm inside you, that can hush the chaos long enough for you to breathe.
Start your day with a melody like that. End your night with it, too. Let it be your sunrise, gently breaking through the darkness. And when the night comes, let it be your guiding light a small but steady glow reminding you that you’re never truly alone.
If you sit still long enough maybe in the quiet of meditation or in the midst of a deep breath you might notice something amazing. You might hear the Creator showing up in the rhythm of your heart, in the gentle hum of your soul. These melodies? They’re invitations to connect, to embrace a higher frequency.
And let’s be honest we all get stuck on the wrong channel sometimes. Complaining, negativity, frustration they’re loud and persistent. Stress and anxiety? They’re like static that never quite fades. But you’ve got the power to change the station. Tune into something better, something higher. Imagine yourself as a conductor, crafting a symphony so beautiful, even the angels lean in to listen.
It’s not just about what’s in your heart; it’s about who you surround yourself with, too. Spend time with people who carry their own melodies, people who radiate joy and kindness. Those are the ones who can help you find your own song when you’ve forgotten the tune.
Life isn’t always easy, but there’s something grounding about carrying a melody with you a song in your heart that reminds you of hope, of beauty, of divine love. So, hum a little. Sing softly to yourself. Let the music of your spirit rise, and trust that it’s more than enough to keep you going.
A Song for the Soul
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
Melodies from heaven, rain on my soul,
Quenching the deserts where I’ve lost control.
Turn barren lands to fields of green,
Where peace and joy can still be seen.
A hum in my heart, a tune in the air,
Breaking through shadows, dissolving despair.
Notes that whisper, “You’re not alone,”
A divine rhythm leading me home.
I tune my spirit, shift my gaze,
From the noise of the world to heaven’s praise.
A conductor of hope, a composer of light,
I carry my song through morning and night.
Melodies from heaven, rain on me still,
Sing through my valleys, bend to Your will.
May my life be a song, a gift from above,
A harmony of grace, a melody of love.
