I Believe in Miracles
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
I believe in miracles.
No, I can’t tell you how. No, I can’t give you blueprints or diagrams, and I can’t describe in full the intricate, divine beauty that orchestrates them from above. I don’t hold the future in my hands, nor do I claim to understand the infinite wisdom behind the Creator’s plans. But I know the I Am.
I stand in awe of the garments I have been covered in garments of grace, mercy, and provision. My tongue falters when I try to explain it. My mind stumbles over words that are too small for something so vast, something so beyond comprehension. How could I ever turn away now? How could I deny the supernatural hand that has moved in my life physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially?
I may lack much in the eyes of the world. I may not have the riches, the status, the validation of men. But who needs luck when they have the Creator? Who needs worldly approval when they are held in the embrace of the Divine?
Watch how the valleys rise in the blink of an eye. Watch how lambs find their roar and how lions weep at the presence of something greater than themselves. Watch how the impossible becomes possible when faith is unwavering. I believe in miracles. I believe in unexpected blessings that defy logic and reason. No, I can’t explain them, and I won’t attempt to. Some things aren’t meant to be dissected only experienced.
All I can say is Amen.
I share this not to convince you, not to persuade you to see through my eyes but to let my truth settle like a cool breeze upon your soul.
This week, I was told that the Creator would do something supernatural in my life something unexpected. And if I am honest, I dismissed it. We hear things like this all the time, don’t we? So often that the words become dust in the wind, words we barely hold onto. We have become a people who trust only in what we can see, touch, and control. We demand results on our timeline, our way. We no longer believe in the unseen. We no longer expect divine intervention on our behalf.
But let me tell you something.
For a while, I had been struggling with transportation. Yet, I never complained. I never voiced my frustration to anyone, nor did I bring it before the Creator in bitterness. I was simply grateful. Grateful that I could still get to where I needed to be. Grateful that despite the challenge, I was still moving forward.
Then, yesterday, something happened.
I was managing a project, and when the day was done, I went to give a status update to an individual. When I finished, they asked me to sit down.
"Kateb," they said, "I want to buy you a car. And not just a car that will take you from point A to point B."
I was speechless.
I cried.
I cried because, at that moment, I saw the Creator move. Not just in an abstract, spiritual sense, but physically, undeniably, before my very eyes. I had not complained. I had not begged. I had simply trusted. And the Creator provided in a way I could never have orchestrated on my own.
It was as if the heavens had written my name on a blessing and sent it down at the perfect moment.
This is not an exaggeration. It is not a fabrication. It is true.
I tell you this to encourage you.
Hold on to your faith.
Do not complain—pray.
Do not doubt—meditate.
Do not lean on your own understanding—trust.
Miracles are real. The supernatural is working in ways you cannot see. Even now, blessings are forming beyond your comprehension. Faith is a bridge that carries us over troubled waters, even when we cannot see the other side.
Your story is not over, and your breakthrough may come when you least expect it.
Keep your head up. Stay strong. The Creator has not forgotten you.
And when your miracle comes it will just say Amen.
Author's Note
This image is more than just a visual it is a representation of faith, miracles, and the unseen hand of the Creator at work. The older Black man with dreadlocks stands in awe, his face reflecting the wisdom of experience and the power of belief. His upward gaze symbolizes trust in the divine, even when the path is unclear.
The radiant light breaking through the storm clouds represents hope and divine intervention, a reminder that even in our darkest moments, the Creator is moving in ways we may not understand. The golden bridge extending over turbulent waters signifies faith the unseen path that leads to blessings when we continue to walk forward despite uncertainty.
The glowing lamb with a roaring shadow is a powerful metaphor for transformation. What seems weak to the world holds unexpected strength, for with the Creator, even the humble can become mighty. The celestial figure in the background with outstretched hands is a subtle yet ever-present force, reminding us that we are never alone. Swirling ethereal energy represents the supernatural, the miracles working in the unseen.
This image is a reflection of my journey, my faith, and my truth. I know my purpose is to share what I have found. I am here to encourage, uplift, and remind others that faith is not about seeing; it is about believing. Miracles are real. The Creator is always working, always moving, always making a way.
— Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
