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Elevation Through Grace: A Spiritual Journey

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Elevation Through Grace: A Spiritual Journey

By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar

In the vast garden of life, every interaction we have is akin to tending to the plants around us. Some of these plants blossom with ease, their petals unfurling effortlessly under the sun’s warm embrace. Others, however, seem stunted, their growth hindered by shadows and thorns. It is easy to shower the vibrant blooms with water and care, but what of those struggling in the darkness? The true test of our character lies in how we nurture these difficult plants—those individuals who seem unworthy of our love and kindness.

As we navigate through life, we encounter people who challenge our patience, test our boundaries, and sometimes cause us pain. It is a natural human reaction to withhold our kindness from those who have wronged us or to dismiss those who seem ungrateful. However, the path to spiritual elevation requires us to rise above these impulses. Our Creator, in infinite wisdom and compassion, teaches us that extending grace and love to the unlovable is not just a virtuous act but a necessary one for our own growth and elevation.

I have often reflected on the principle of loving those who seem unworthy of love. It is a principle that transcends religious doctrines and is rooted in the essence of our humanity. Yet, despite understanding its importance, I have struggled to practice it. The hurt caused by others can be profound, and the desire for retribution can overshadow the call for compassion. But in these moments, I am reminded of the Creator’s unwavering grace towards us. Even when we falter, even when we are unjust, we are still showered with blessings, grace, and, from time to time, miracles. This realization humbles me and inspires me to extend the same grace to others.

I recall a time when someone I trusted deeply betrayed me. The pain was sharp, and my initial reaction was to distance myself and withhold any form of kindness. I wanted to protect myself, to punish them by withdrawing my presence and my care. But then, in a moment of quiet reflection, I thought about how the hands of the universe would respond. What if the Creator withheld blessings from us every time we erred? What if grace was conditional? The thought was sobering. Despite our imperfections, the Creator’s love remains steadfast. This understanding urged me to rise above my hurt and extend a hand of kindness, even when it felt undeserved.

Pride is a formidable obstacle on the path to spiritual elevation. It convinces us that we are justified in our judgments and retaliations. “Pride goes before destruction,” warns an ancient proverb, reminding us that clinging to our ego can lead to our downfall. When we refuse to extend kindness because we believe someone wouldn’t do the same for us, we miss an opportunity for growth. The universe operates on principles far beyond our limited understanding. Sometimes, the very act of blessing someone who has wronged us is what unlocks our own elevation.

I have witnessed many people miss their elevation because they chose punishment over grace. They held onto grievances, their hearts hardened by pride and pain. They could not see that their own growth was stunted by their refusal to let go and forgive. In contrast, those who have chosen the path of grace, even when it was the harder choice, have experienced profound transformations. Their spirits have soared, elevated by the very act of releasing negativity and embracing love.

At this point in our lives, we should strive to shift our thinking to a higher realm. It is easy to get caught up in the attitude of “I’m not doing anything for them; they wouldn’t do that for me.” This mindset is rooted in a transactional view of relationships, where every act of kindness must be reciprocated. But true spiritual growth comes from giving without expecting anything in return. It comes from understanding that our actions are not just about the other person but about our own journey towards becoming more like the Creator.

Imagine a world where the hands of the universe gave us the same attitude we give to others. If grace was meted out based on our worthiness, how many blessings would we miss? How often would we be left wanting? Yet, despite our flaws, we are continuously graced with opportunities, love, and miracles. This thought is a powerful motivator to elevate our interactions with others. By being good to those who we think don’t deserve it, we align ourselves with the divine nature of unconditional love.

Even though we are often unjust, the Creator’s minimum grace is always upon us. This grace is not just a gift but a model for how we should treat others. We are called to be vessels of this grace, to let it flow through us to everyone we encounter. It is not always easy, especially when dealing with those who have caused us harm. But it is in these moments of difficulty that our true character is revealed and refined.

Knowing that the Creator is elevating us should fill us with a sense of purpose and responsibility. There is a profound difference between us and those who remain in lower vibrational states because what is in us is greater than what is in them. This greatness within us is a reflection of the divine spark, the potential for compassion, love, and forgiveness that the Creator has placed in our hearts. When we tap into this greatness, we transcend the limitations of our egos and embrace a higher calling.

We must recognize that we are so far beyond the petty grievances and judgments that often entangle us. The person inside us, the divine essence, is capable of profound love and kindness. This realization is both empowering and humbling. It calls us to rise above our immediate reactions and to see the bigger picture of our spiritual journey.

There is a beautiful and great-smelling flower within each of us, a flower that blooms when we choose love over hate, forgiveness over retribution, and grace over pride. This flower is nurtured by our willingness to extend kindness even when it is difficult. It is in these moments of grace that our true beauty is revealed, not just to others but to ourselves as well.

Reflecting on my own journey, I have come to understand that every act of kindness, especially towards those who seem undeserving, is a step towards my own elevation. Each time I choose to bless rather than curse, to give rather than withhold, I align myself more closely with the Creator’s divine plan. This alignment brings peace, fulfillment, and a deeper connection to the source of all love and grace.

I encourage you to open your heart and eyes to see the beauty in extending kindness to everyone, regardless of their actions. Remember that the greatness within you is a gift from the Creator, and it is meant to be shared. By doing so, you not only elevate yourself but also contribute to the elevation of the collective consciousness.

In this journey of life, let us strive to be like the Creator, showering grace and love upon all, even those who seem unworthy. For in doing so, we reflect the divine nature within us and fulfill our true purpose. May we all continue to grow, to elevate, and to blossom into the beautiful flowers we are meant to be.

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