The Unseen Forces: A Reflection on Divine Protection
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
Life has a funny way of catching you off guard, doesn’t it? One day you’re minding your business, walking your path, doing your thing, and the next day, out of nowhere, someone pops up to block your way. You’re left standing there, wondering, “Wait, what did I do to deserve this?” The truth is, you probably didn’t do anything at all. People carry their own issues fears, insecurities, and a whole suitcase of unresolved feelings and somehow, your success becomes their problem. They throw obstacles in your way like it’s a sport, thinking that dimming your light will somehow brighten theirs. But here’s the kicker: all that effort? Completely wasted.
See, what they don’t get is that their fight isn’t just with you. You’re not standing there alone. When you’re walking with the Creator, you’ve got some serious divine backup. It’s like being part of an invisible team that’s impossible to defeat. Trying to stop that divine flow is like trying to stop the wind by waving your arms it’s not gonna happen, no matter how dramatic they get.
One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned over the years is that negativity especially when it’s served with a side of malice doesn’t just stick around like gum on the bottom of your shoe. It’s got this funny way of boomeranging right back to where it came from. That’s just how the universe works: you throw out bad vibes, guess what? They’re coming right back at you. It’s like ordering a meal you really don’t want, and then being forced to eat it anyway. Delicious, right?
And here’s the beauty of it I don’t even stress about it anymore. When someone comes at me with negativity, I’m like, “Good luck with that.” I know I don’t have to lift a finger because the Creator has already got it covered. The universe is my personal security system. People can try all they want to harm me, but what they don’t realize is they’re up against forces way beyond their pay grade. And those forces? They always work in favor of truth, love, and light.
It’s humbling to think about, really. No matter how hard someone tries to bring you down, their negative energy is never going to crack the armor you’re wearing when you walk with the Creator. It’s like they’re throwing pebbles at a force field, and all those pebbles just bounce right back, leaving you standing there like, “Was that supposed to hurt?”
Now, don’t get me wrong I don’t sit around wishing ill on these people. Quite the opposite, actually. Over time, I’ve learned to look at them with compassion. Because let’s face it, if someone’s trying that hard to throw shade at you, they’ve got some serious unresolved issues. They’re acting out of their own pain, their own confusion. And just because they’re struggling doesn’t mean I need to let their mess become mine. I stay steady, rooted in the Creator’s love, knowing that the universe is always working things out in my favor. It’s like having an automatic karmic refund policy everything just goes back to sender.
There’s a certain peace that comes with this kind of understanding. I don’t feel the need to justify myself anymore, or to get into verbal karate matches with people who are determined to throw negativity my way. I’m not about that life. Instead, I just stand still, secure in the knowledge that the Creator has already handled it. I stay rooted in love, while the universe takes care of all the behind-the-scenes work.
So, the next time you find yourself dealing with opposition, remember this: it’s probably not about you. Most people are busy wrestling with their own shadows and projecting their struggles onto you like you’re a blank canvas for their issues. But here’s the thing: when you’re aligned with the Creator, that divine connection becomes your greatest shield. No darkness can get through it, no matter how hard someone tries. Trust in that. Trust in the way the universe balances things out. Keep walking your path, unfazed by the nonsense others may try to throw at you. The Creator’s hand is always on your shoulder, guiding and protecting you like the world’s best GPS. And with that in your corner, what is there to be afraid of?
Also, a little side note for those trying to throw obstacles in your way: be careful where you aim. You might just trip over your own mess.
When Things Turn Around in the Most Unexpected Way
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
Isn’t life funny sometimes? Just when you're buckling up, expecting the worst, something incredible happens things start to get better. It's almost like the universe has a secret sense of humor, letting you think you're on the edge of disaster, then suddenly, the tide turns, and you're standing in the sunshine.
You know that moment when you’re sure everything’s about to crumble, and yet, instead of chaos, you get clarity? That's life whispering, "I've got this." The beautiful part is, just when you’re ready to wave the white flag, the universe flips the script, showing you that the bad times weren’t so final after all. It’s like bracing for a downpour and finding yourself in the middle of a rainbow.
It’s amazing how, when we least expect it, life can surprise us with a twist that brings joy instead of pain. And isn’t that something to smile about? So next time things feel heavy, remember: sometimes, when it looks like it's all going downhill, you’re actually just being set up for a beautiful comeback. Keep your head up better days have a way of sneaking up on you, right when you’re sure it couldn’t get any worse.
Love Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar.
