The Messenger's Journey: A Call Between Dimensions
January 20, 2025
Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
( this is a real dream i had)
I just woke up from the kind of dream that sticks with you the kind you feel more than you understand. It started in this perfect place. Everything felt... right, almost too good to be true. Then, suddenly, there was this shift a chill, like the air was warning me something terrible was about to happen.
Out of nowhere, a man barged in with an army, breaking walls like they were nothing. They started slaughtering everyone. Pure chaos. Instinct kicked in, and I dropped to the ground, pretending to be dead. It worked, but it gave me a front-row seat to what was happening.
This wasn’t just any man; he was a tyrant, and he wasn’t there by chance. He had a purpose: wiping out this place a hub, it seemed, for people who had some kind of purpose or power.
I escaped barely. While running, someone stopped me. They didn’t ask for my name or anything. They just told me I had to find someone someone in another realm, someone strong enough to stop the tyrant. I didn’t question it. I just started running, clutching this bag I didn’t even remember picking up.
I got out of the city, slipping past the soldiers. And that’s when I stumbled upon this yellow coffee shop. It felt so peaceful, like a little bubble of calm in all the madness. I decided to step inside and breathe for a minute.
As I sat there, this woman walked up to me. She looked right at me like she knew me and said, “Tell me what you know.”
I froze. What if she worked for the tyrant? But then she said my middle name. That stopped me. She pulled out a mirror and held it up to my face. And that’s when I saw it I was wearing a mask. Half black, half white.
We talked, but before I could ask all the questions racing through my head, soldiers from the tyrant’s army walked in. They weren’t there for coffee. They went straight for this random guy, just sitting and eating, and started beating him.
I don’t know what came over me, but I told them to stop. They did. One even laughed at me or maybe at my mask but they left. Just like that.
The woman turned to me and said, “You need to get to the portal. Deliver the message. Make yourself heard, not seen. And don’t ever take off your mask it’s your protection.”
I asked her about the bag. She just smiled and said, “In time, it will reveal itself. For now, just carry it.”
As I left, someone handed me a slip of paper. It had a verse on it: Proverbs 20:3.
And that’s when I woke up or at least, I thought I did.
I “woke up” in this vast field with one big tree in the middle. A man was sitting under it. I walked over, feeling disoriented, and said, “Excuse me, sir, my name is—”
But he cut me off. “Kateb. I know who you are.”
I just stared at him. “Where am I?”
He smiled, like he was used to this question, and said, “You’re between dimensions. This is the open space before one realm gives way to the next.”
I didn’t get it, not really, so he broke it down.
“The verse, Proverbs 20:3, reminds you to avoid unnecessary fights. It says, ‘It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.’ Remember that.”
He explained the dream piece by piece:
• The perfect place turning chaotic? That’s life. It can seem flawless until something shatters the peace.
• The hub of special people? That’s your purpose, your connection to something greater.
• The tyrant and his army? Those are forces maybe fear, maybe doubt, maybe external challenges that try to crush what matters most.
• The mission to find someone? That’s your calling, a push to seek out wisdom, courage, or strength.
• The bag? Hidden gifts or responsibilities you don’t fully understand yet.
• The mask? It’s about duality light and darkness, strength and vulnerability. It protects you as you figure out how to navigate both.
• The coffee shop? A safe haven, a moment of clarity.
• The woman? A guide, someone who sees what you don’t.
Finally, he said, “This dream is a call to action. You’re in a time of transformation. Trust the process. Don’t let fear or doubt stop you. Your purpose is unfolding, step by step.”
And then I actually woke up.

Dear Sir Kateb, Well, I must say, my husband and I were utterly captivated by your post it read like the script of a blockbuster movie! Truly, you’ve got a way with words that had us on the edge of our seats. Now, here’s the bit that made us both gasp and laugh at the same time: the yellow coffee shop. You won’t believe this, but my husband and I have a little ritual we visit a yellow coffee shop every Thursday morning. Yes, yellow. And yes, on the corner. Coincidence? I think not! I half expected to bump into someone clutching a mysterious bag while reading your dream aloud. Honestly, your dream was not only beautifully written but s…