Elevation Through Grace
By Kateb Nuri-Alim Shunnar
In a world that often champions self-interest, the idea of extending kindness to those who seem undeserving can be perplexing. It challenges the natural inclination to respond to hurt with hurt, to repay perceived slights with retribution. Yet, the wisdom passed down through generations speaks of a higher principle—one that invites us to rise above our instincts and practice a grace that is, in its essence, divine.
The Creator, in infinite wisdom, does not withhold blessings even from those who might be seen as undeserving. The sun shines on the just and the unjust alike; rain falls on the fields of the good and the wicked. Just as a river flows freely, nourishing all in its path, so too does the Creator’s generosity reach everyone. This universal generosity is a lesson in itself, a model of how we are called to treat one another. It is an invitation to reflect the Creator’s boundless love and compassion, to be instruments of peace and channels of grace.
However, this call is not without its challenges. The human heart, burdened with pride and a sense of justice, often struggles to extend kindness to those who have wronged us. It feels unnatural, even unfair, to bless those who have caused us pain. But just as a tree bears fruit not for itself but for others to enjoy, we too are called to offer our gifts and kindness, even when it seems like we receive nothing in return. Here lies the profound spiritual opportunity—the chance to elevate ourselves by choosing the path less traveled, the path of grace.
Pride is a subtle enemy. It whispers that we are justified in our anger, that we have every right to withhold kindness from those who have hurt us. It convinces us that by doing so, we maintain our dignity, our sense of justice. Yet, pride is also a stumbling block, a barrier that keeps us from experiencing the fullness of the Creator’s blessings. “Pride goes before destruction,” the saying goes, and indeed, when we allow pride to guide our actions, we often find ourselves on a path that leads to spiritual downfall.
The alternative is humility a humility that acknowledges our own imperfections and recognizes that we, too, are in need of grace. When we choose to bless rather than punish, we align ourselves with the Creator’s nature. We become participants in the divine economy, where love and mercy are the currency of exchange. And in doing so, we open ourselves to elevation, to being lifted up by the very grace we extend to others.
This elevation is not always immediate or visible. It may not come in the form of material reward or public recognition. Often, it is a quiet, inner transformation—a deepening of our spiritual life, a greater sense of peace, and a closer connection to the Creator. It is the kind of elevation that cannot be quantified or measured by worldly standards, but it is real and profound nonetheless.
Personal reflections on this principle reveal its transformative power. There have been moments in life when the choice to bless rather than punish has felt almost impossible. The heart, heavy with hurt and anger, resists the idea of extending kindness to someone who seems unworthy. But in those moments, a still, small voice within whispers of a higher way. It speaks of the Creator’s love, which is not conditional on our deserving it. It reminds us that we are all, in our own ways, undeserving, yet we are loved and blessed beyond measure. 😊
To practice this principle is to trust in the Creator’s wisdom and timing. It is to believe that even when it feels like we are losing by choosing grace, we are, in fact, gaining something far greater. We are being shaped into the image of the divine, becoming more like the Creator in whose likeness we are made.
This journey is not without its struggles. The world we live in is broken and angry, filled with people who are quick to lash out, to defend their pride at all costs. It is easy to get caught up in this cycle of hurt and retaliation. But those who choose the higher path, who seek to bless rather than punish, discover a different reality. They find that in blessing others, they themselves are blessed. In lifting others up, they are elevated. 🌸
This is not to say that boundaries and justice are unimportant. There is a place for holding others accountable, for seeking justice when wrongs have been committed. But even in these situations, there is room for grace. There is a way to pursue justice without losing our humanity, to seek what is right without becoming hardened by anger.
The teachings of the Creator are clear: those who sow in peace will reap a harvest of righteousness. This is not just about outward actions, but about the state of our hearts. It is about cultivating a spirit of peace, of love, of grace, even in the face of adversity. It is about trusting that the Creator sees all, knows all, and will reward those who choose the path of righteousness.
In practical terms, this might mean offering a kind word to someone who has been unkind, choosing to forgive rather than hold a grudge, or praying for someone who has hurt us. These actions, though small, are powerful. They have the potential to transform not just our own hearts, but the hearts of those around us. They are seeds of grace, planted in the soil of a broken world, with the promise of bearing fruit in due season.
Ultimately, the practice of blessing those who may not seem to deserve it is about aligning ourselves with the Creator’s heart. It is about choosing to see others through the lens of compassion, rather than judgment. It is about recognizing that we are all in need of grace and that the more we extend it to others, the more we will experience it in our own lives.
This is the essence of spiritual elevation not an elevation of status or power, but an elevation of the soul. It is a rising above the pettiness and pride that so often dominate our interactions with others. It is a lifting of our spirits into a higher realm of love, peace, and joy. And it is a journey that brings us ever closer to the heart of the Creator, where we find our true home and our true purpose.
In this place of elevation, we discover that we are not just recipients of grace but also its conduits. We become channels through which the Creator’s love flows into the world, touching the lives of others in ways we may never fully understand. And as we do so, we find that we are blessed beyond measure, elevated by the very grace we have extended to others.
So, let us choose the path of grace, even when it is difficult. Let us bless those who may not seem to deserve it, trusting that in doing so, we are participating in the divine work of healing and restoration. Let us remember that the Creator’s ways are higher than our ways and that by aligning ourselves with these ways, we will find true elevation—not just in this life, but in the life to come.
No matter how hard the journey may seem, hold fast to the goodness within you. Believe that every act of kindness, no matter how small, adds light to the world and elevates your soul. Keep sowing seeds of grace, and you will reap a harvest of peace, love, and joy. 🌿
Grace like gentle rain,
Lifting hearts to higher ground,
Peace in every drop.